“How secure is your business?”
For most business owners, the simple answer to that question is that nobody knows. It’s a niggling worry. It’s a challenge that you don’t fully understand. It’s a big ‘unknown’. It’s something you’ll sort sometime down the road.
Your Computer Department provides mini audits over via Teams, a telephone call or a Zoom call. It often takes less than an hour of your time and we ask all the questions.
You might be thinking that you don’t have all the answers. That’s absolutely normal – in fact, we expect this and would be amazed if a client came to us with the majority of the answers!
As cyber security professionals, we know the questions to ask, that lead to the information we need. We know the areas to concentrate on, and the areas that we can whiz through.
Specialist PC scanning software allows us to gain an insight into many weaknesses that are present on your computers, too.
Our audits are structured to get you the information you need FAST. We’ll come back to you with a report highlighting the processes that will need attention, and we pinpoint the systems you’ll need to improve on.
We’ll then continue to help you as you work towards your cyber security goals.