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Data Backup & Restore Testing

When did you last test your backups?

The cause of unrecoverable data is, in most cases, human error. Even the best backup system in the world is configured by a human being.

When did you last test your backups?!

The cause of unrecoverable data is, in most cases, human error. Even the best backup system in the world is configured by a human being.

A backup system that was correctly configured initially, may run into an issue without you noticing. Backup system updates, configuration errors and all manner of other factors my lead to something that no longer serves the purpose. Equally, a backup system that has never been tested could run for years without anyone noticing that it unsuitable.

With these issues in mind, it is critical that your backup systems are tested regularly to ensure that, if needed, you would be able to restore your data.

This need not be a daunting task though. With a regular monthly plan, it is easy to demonstrate that your backups happen, they work, and they are able produce restored data should you ever need it.

A random recovery test can often take less than 15 minutes of labour, so it is not an expensive luxury.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Think of a random file, directory/folder, email or entire mailbox.
  2. Pick a date within the past month or two.
  3. Use our handy online wizard on our Customer Services page to request your restore:
  4. Schedule a recurring calendar reminder to repeat this process at the same next month.

It’s as easy as 1…2…3…. erm… 4!

Contact us NOW!
….and then add this simple process to your Disaster Recovery plan!

By Eddie Palmer

Eddie Palmer is the founder of Nottingham-based Your Computer Department.